What is a world?

When you think of the internet, you think of a world-spanning network consisting of web pages which are cross-linked to access all sorts of information and functionality. To view these pages, you use an app called a browser. 

In this context a world is a collection of locations that are bundle togther into one domain.

The 3D world of VRWeb is viewed by a so-called Portal Hopper (or “Hopper” in short). Using this tool, you can “hop” from world to world much like a browser can “jump” from link to link. Just like web pages on the internet, anyone can host their own worlds. What’s different is that these worlds can be explored. You can typically walk around in them either while wearing a VR headset or on screen. The screen mode can be either from a 1st person or a 3rd person perspective and controlled by a game controller or the WASD keyboard and mouse, much like most video games. 

Like in any browser you can type in any address to enter a new world. However, the VRWeb network is best explored by discovery. If you have no clue where to start, you can always go to the central hub located at vrweb.portalhopper.com.